CPO futures expected to trade lower next week amid rising output concern
14/07/2024 (New Straits Times), Kuala Lumpur - Crude palm oil (CPO) futures contract on Bursa Malaysia Derivatives is expected to trade with a downside bias, given rising output expectation in the coming week, said palm oil trader David Ng..... < read more >

FGV launches improved sustainability framework to help transform palm oil sector
14/07/2024 (New Straits Times), Kuala Lumpur - FGV Holdings Bhd has introduced its improved Sustainability Framework to support the nation's initiatives in transforming the palm oil industry and achieving broader sustainability objectives..... < read more >

Malaysian delegation visits China to boost cooperation on palm oil exports
14/07/2024 (Bastille Post Global) - In a bid to promote Malaysian palm oil to Chinese businesses and consumers, an official from the Southeast Asian country's plantation authority led a delegation to China from July 8 to 12..... < read more >

Domestic trade ministry foils attempt to smuggle 476kg of cooking oil to Thailand
14/07/2024 (New Straits Times), Tumpat - The Kelantan Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry foiled an attempt to smuggle cooking oil in packets to Thailand with the seizure of 476kg yesterday..... < read more >

Alor Pongsu sundry shop found imposing conditions to buy subsidised cooking oil
13/07/2024 (The Star), IPOH - In order to purchase the 1kg subsidised cooking oil packets, customers visiting a sundry shop in Alor Pongsu, Parit Buntar, have been required to buy other items first..... < read more >

Source: https://bepi.mpob.gov.my
Economics and Industry Development Division
Malaysian Palm Oil Board